
We help get individuals connected to doctors, health teams and a variety of healthcare services in the City of Toronto.

Connect to a nurse 24/7: 811


Toronto Community Crisis Service:  211 or 911


Call Distress Lines:  24/7 phone line support to connect with an empathetic, highly-trained responder

CAMH’s Psychiatric Emergency Department provides 24/7 emergency services for adults with mental health and substance issues.  

Address:  1051 Queen St. W.  

If you are a refugee, the Interim Federal Health program (IFHP) will cover some patient-care including:

  • hospital and medical services,
  • lab work and diagnostic testing,
  • limited vision and urgent dental care, and
  • prescription medication.

Visit the Medavie website to see the full list of health care providers or call the Refugee HealthLine:  1-866-286-4770 to be connected with a health care provider.

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