Apply for financial support through social assistance programs
Wondering how to access social assistance? This page explains the breakdown between Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) to help you decide which one you might qualify for.
Ontario Works (OW)
Ontario Works (OW) is often referred to as “welfare” and is for people who have no or very limited income and/or assets. OW may provide benefits for you and the people in your “benefit unit” (you and your spouse/partner, dependent children and dependent adult children who are living with you). OW provides money and other benefits, including prescription drug coverage, some dental care, some medical expenses, special diet allowances, employment supports, etc.
To reside in Ontario and be financially eligible for OW
You are eligible to apply if you do not have more than $10,000 in assets as an individual, $15,000 for a couple and $500 additional for each dependents.
Social Insurance Number
Proof of Identity
(Birth certificate, ID, Passport)
If you need help with applying for or replacing identification, you can visit our Applying for ID page.
Notice of Assessment (NOA)
If you need to file tax returns, you can visit our Filing Taxes page.
Banking information
Follow Our Checklist
Check our documentation list before you apply!
Get connected to more resources if you need help acquiring new identification or documentation.
Learn more about how Ontario Works can benefit you or if you qualify based on your on your current needs and financial situation and location of residence.
Create an account on the Ontario Social Assistance site if eligible.
Fill out their online application form.
After applying you will get a confirmation email with a reference number you can use to check the status of your claim.
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) is social assistance that is provided by the government of Ontario to eligible people with disabilities and their families (known as benefit unit). ODSP income support benefits can include money for basic needs, shelter costs, and special diet allowance. ODSP benefits can also include prescription drug coverage, dental benefits, and some supplemental health coverage.
Because it can take time to complete an ODSP application, you may decide to apply for Ontario Works (OW) first to receive some benefits while waiting for your ODSP application to be processed. You can make your ODSP application through the OW office.
To reside in Ontario and be financially eligible for ODSP
You are eligible to apply if you do not have more than $40,000 in assets as an individual, $50,000 for a couple.
Social Insurance Number
Proof of Identity
(Birth certificate, ID, Passport)
If you need help with applying for or replacing identification, you can visit our Applying for ID page.
Notice of Assessment (NOA)
If you need to file tax returns, you can visit our Filing Taxes page.
Banking Information
Proof of meeting the ODSP definition of a person with a disability
After submission, you will be provided with a form by your caseworker to be filled out by your health provider on your medical status.
Follow Our Checklist
Check our documentation list before you apply!
Get connected to more resources if you need help acquiring new identification or documentation.
Learn more about how you may quality for ODSP based on your needs, current financial situation and residence.
When you apply, your case worker will give you a Disability Determination package for you and your health care provider to complete.
Create an account on the Ontario Social Assistance site.
Fill out their online application form.
You’ll get a confirmation email with a reference number you can use to check the status of your claim.