Access Seasonal Respite Sites

Depending on the season, there are temporary respite sites, such as Warming or Cooling Centres, and the Out of the Cold Program during the winter season.

Extreme Weather Centres

Warming/Cooling Centres are opened for all when any factors combine to result in extreme weather.  When there is an extreme weather alert (either 31 degrees when hot or below -5 degrees when cold), different temporary locations open across the City.

Once a warming/cooling centre has been opened it will remain open 24 hours a day until the weather improves.  In addition to providing shelter, warming centres will also have snacks, washroom facilities and referrals to emergency services.

No need to register or book a spot. Just walk-in.

Warming Centres open starting November 15th during extreme cold temperatures.

Out of the Cold

(November – April)

Out of the Cold is an interfaith program – working with churches, synagogues, temples – to provide access to shelter, food and warm clothing during the winter months. 

Out of the Cold is offered at different locations each night of the week.

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